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Welcome to Congregation Beth Shalom, Oak Park, Michigan



Our Mission

To celebrate Jewish life as an inclusive and intimate community through learning, prayer, shared experiences, and social action within the framework of Conservative Judaism.

We Stand with Israel

  • Join together at 8 pm Israel time, 1 pm Eastern to say Shema Israel with the IDF.
  • For the latest Community-wide events & programs to support Israel check the Jlive website.
    See the faces of the kidnapped. 
  • Resources to support Israel, compiled by Women's League for Conservative Judaism.

High Holidays 5785 (2024-2025)



Send a New Year's Greeting to your Beth Shalom Friends in a special Sisterhood section of the Sept. HaKol. Download the form for complete information and return to Julie Grodin with payment by Aug. 1, 2024. 

Begin preparation for the High Holidays with the Community-wide Selichot program hosted by Congregation Beth Ahm, Sat., Sept. 28. See the evening schedule for details.

Cantor Heather Batchelor returns for High Holiday services.  If you would like additional High Holiday tickets, or are not a member of Beth Shalom but would like to join us, please click "ticket" for information. The schedule of services will be available soon.

Daily Bulletin 

Welcome to Beth Shalom's Community Beyond Walls
Stay Connected!

  • This year the Community-wide Tisha B'av observance will take place at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Mon. Aug. 12, beginning at 8:15 pm. Details are in the flyer.
  • Fundraising - a unique way to support Beth Shalom and Israel is to adopt a tree in Israel! Choose olive oil for Chanukah or wine for Passover or Rosh Hashanah and the synagogue receives a portion of the purchase price. Details are on the Adopt a Tree flyer and the My Tree in Israel website
  • Beth Shalom is proud to be an American Jewish University Maven partner! Visit the AJU website for the complete schedule and the Maven on-demand library.  Check out some of the July highlights,  Register for all classes and events online here Some classes are free.
  • Shabbat Morning of Prayer, Torah & more begins at 9:30 AM. Join us in person, watch the service on You Tube or join on Zoom.  Members will receive the Zoom join information in the weekly Shabbat email. Services prior to June 25 2022 are archived here.
  • Join our online Community for weekday Minyan and classes. Meeting links are sent out weekly or contact the synagogue office. Sunday morning Minyan meets in person at Beth Shalom and on Zoom.
                Morning Minyan, Sun. 9 AM; Mon.-Fri. 8 AM. 
                Evening Minyan, Sun.-Thurs., 7 PM, Fri. 5:30 PM   
  • Yachad Religious School 2024-2025. Questions? Contact director, Gail Greenberg ( 
  • Sponsor an online weekday morning class for $18! This is a wonderful way to mark a special occasion, honor a loved one, or commemorate a Yahrzeit. If you are interested in sponsoring one or more future sessions, please contact the CBS office.
  • Follow us on Facebook.
  • To join our email list, please send a message to
  • Make a donation or tribute through the "Donate" tab above. 
  • Click here for newsletters

Chanu-Con! 2023

Community Bike Ride 2023


Our new sign for Beth Shalom

Do you want to see your name in lights?

For $18 you can! What a great way to honor a special occasion. 

Contact the CBS office (248-547-7970 or 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784